Thomas Müller's profile

Apollon & Daphne - an animated short, 2011


The animated short is inspired by the edition of roman poet Ovid.
The marble sculpture ‚Apollon and Daphne’ by Bernini acts as reference fort he 
metamorphose of Daphne. The myth is an abstract realization along the lines of the 
expressionistic painters, like Wassily Kandinsky and August Macke.
Eros, the messenger of love in the Greek myth is shown with wings. Apollon, the god of 
the music and the archery, mocks at him. He is the son of Zeus and the goddess Leto and 
one oft he twelve main deities oft he Greek Pantheon. He is an arrogant person.
After that mockery he avenges himself on Apollon by shooting an love arrow with a 
golden arrowhead at him and an arrow with a heavy arrowhead at the mountain nympp 
Daphne. She is in the Greek myth the goddess of the earth, the daughter of the river god 
Peneios and a virgin huntswoman.
Apollon falls in love with her. Daphne however feels disgust. Apollon approaches and 
sweet-talks to her. He admits his adoration to her. Daphne indeed feels to be hard 
pressed and backs off in disgust. Apollon then seizes her by the arm and tries to bottle 
her up. Daphne finally doesn’t know what to do except to flee in terror from him.
Completely Exhausted from chase by Apollon, she begs her godfather Peneios for a 
metamorphose, so she isn’t no longer attractive to Apollon. After that she loses her 
clothes and her limbs freeze. Along the lines of the Bernini-sculpture and the written 
master by Ovid Daphne turns into a laurel.
The short was made with about 650 acrylic pictures and composed in Adobe After Effects.
This work was my bachelor thesis, which i made in 2011 at the University of Applied Sciences in Augsburg.
The music was composed and arranged by Andrew Osano.
Apollon & Daphne - an animated short, 2011

Apollon & Daphne - an animated short, 2011

animation short of the greek mythology 'Apollon and Daphne'. All pictures and elements were paint with acrylic on paper, scanned and composed in Read More
